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Kauai Economic Opportunity (KEO) Sewer Connection

The KEO facility’s sewer is currently served by six (6) Individual Wastewater Systems which were abandoned or removed to facilitate the installation of a new gravity sewer network. Bow Engineering was contracted to provide civil engineering research and design for the connection of existing sewer…

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Ward Ave. Water System Improvements

This project replaced 2,500 lineal feet of 8-inch and 12-inch water mains along Ward Avenue between Kinau and King Streets and between King Street and Kapiolani Boulevard.  In addition to the water mains, other interconnections, fire hydrants, service laterals and meter boxes were replaced to…

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Mapunapuna Water System

Design for the replacement of 2,700 lineal feet of the existing 12-inch domestic waterline in the Mapunapuna Industrial Subdivision.  Design included plan and profiles, connection schematics, and traffic control plans.  Prior to the design, a feasibility study was undertaken to determine the most cost-effective alignment…

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